Courier Workflow Enhancements

Driver App 3.6.8 (August 2024)

  • New photo required driver input (RDI) option that allows carriers to require drivers to provide a Camera Only, Gallery Only, or Camera/Gallery photo at specified points in the driver’s on-demand and/or routed workflow.
  • Improved pop up warnings for the required background GPS warning to specifically call out the settings that are required to be enabled on the driver’s device.
  • Fixed an issue with Driver App attachments syncing when there may be communication issues.
  • Fixed an issue where the final POD page was not displaying properly on Pickup route stops.
  • Fixed an issue where drivers could not complete consolidated stops that required POD.
  • Fixed an issue where the keyboard could cover text fields on some workflow views within CXT Driver.
  • Eliminated double warning when scanning in temperature mismatch parcel items with the “Required w/ Scan Match” setting required.
CXT Driver Nextstop splashscreen

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