Driver 3.5.9: Workflow Improvements

Driver App 3.5.9 (July 2023)

  • Comments (formerly labeled Remarks) are now centrally located on the Stop Info display page, allowing details such as pick-up or destination instructions to be more visible and easily accessible to drivers.
  • Improvement made to the accessorial data entry field that only allows integer quantities to be input on the Stop Info display page.
  • Updated the Parcels page to more clearly display the total number of parcels on a shipment and to indicate whether scanned parcels have synced with the server.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Fixed an issue with parcel items not displaying if the parcel ID type was 0.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed driers to edit and delete attachments after a stop had been completed.
CXT Software Driver App version 3.5.9 stop info display page

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