22.1: Welcome to Our Revamped Release Roll-Out 👍

Operations App release 22.1 header

We’re in the business of making your company better by delivering tools for your staff, clients, drivers, and customers to make the final-mile as seamless as possible.


Well, why not make our product releases seamless too?

Improving Your Upgrade Process

As many of you have been with us for years – decades even – we’ve traditionally had a prominent semi annual product release that encompassed dozens upon dozens of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Thousands of hours of development, months of customer feedback, a culmination of nearly half a year’s worth of work. 


This year we set out to close the loop on the time between a great new idea or a customer feature recommendation with a revamped development and release schedule.

“After gathering feedback from our valued customers, we reevaluated our existing release processes and set out to create a new and more efficient method. I am happy to report that we will not only be able to deliver new functionality, improvements, and bug fixes with more regularity, but we will no longer require significant customer downtime in order to complete the upgrade. We have some really exciting new features coming your way in 2022 and with the new process, we are able to get them into the hands of our customers shortly after they are developed and tested.”

no downtime

You’ll be seeing more frequent improvements to your CXT Software solutions coupled with near-instantaneous upgrades. With little to no service interruptions during our new update process, you can get back to focusing on what’s really important – growing your business.

Improving the Backend Workhorse of Your Product Suite

For this 22.1 release version, we tasked our Product and Engineering teams with streamlining the unsung hero of our comprehensive solutions – our integrations.


CXT Software has hundreds of integrations with third-party services and applications. That is a ton of customization and data flow back and forth to ensure your shipment information is delivered without interruption across the information highway.

traffic gif

Just like city and highway systems, as you add more roads, highway interchanges, and developments, traffic can become jumbled and bottlenecks will form causing a headache for your drivers’ delivery itinerary.


Software works in much of the same way. With over 250,000 shipments handled in our product suite daily, there are many data points that keep the information flow going between integrations. As you put more and more data into it, the potential for slower processing and errors could arise. 


It is critical for our team to be constantly reviewing and improving data handling both with our products and third-party applications to keep our information highway free-flowing.

With our team’s endless improvements, we can continue to deliver a robust solution for your shipment management needs. 

What's New 🎁
  • Added a new option to allow flight information to be copied when cloning on-demand orders. Users are prompted with a checklist to select which information to copy to the new order – References, Parcels, and/or Flight Info.
  • Added flight information fields into the on-demand message formats within the Operations App, so end-users can now receive alerts containing necessary flight data.
  • Added additional user settings to the Operations App allowing column sorts to persist across user sessions and devices.
CXT Software Flight information message notification
What's Improved
  • Updated custom procedure validations so users are notified whenever a stored procedure entry does not have all the necessary parameters to be properly saved.
  • Widened the drop-down fields within Maintenance>Custom Tables allowing table names to be more easily identified.
  • Visually disabled the “Deactivate” button to prevent users from attempting to deactivate a route stop that is not allowed to be.
What's Fixed
  • Fixed an issue where shipping label emails may not be sent out from the Operations App if the customer record has multiple email addresses in the local email field.
  • Fixed an issue with the Import Audit log showing times in the wrong time zone.
Works In Progress 🛠
  • Error thrown when attempting to delete a credit card that is saved as the default credit card for a customer in the Operations App.
    Workaround: set another card as the default and then proceed with the deletion
  • CXT Driver App prompts users to turn on fingerprint support when it is previously enabled.
  • An error is thrown when trying to update passwords through Tools when the required password field is empty on the Internet User Profile.
    Workaround: Save passwords into the Internet User Profile.
  • Subscription-based reports fail to export and generate an email when certain field types like TimeStamp are included.
    Workaround: Do not include the TimeStamp field, as it is not supported.
  • An error occurs whenever an Operations user tries to email settlements to drivers that do not have an associated email address and/or settlement message format within their human resources record.
    Workaround: Update the driver’s human resource record with an email address and/or settlement message format.
  • Entering an address in the Client Portal that does not validate causes old lat/lon values from previously validated addresses to be used for distance calculation and could cause incorrect distances to be placed on order.
  • Lat/Lon values are not being copied over for cloning of Inet User Address books.
    Workaround: Run an Internet User Address Points bulk address update. This will run all the internet addresses through the validation process and assign Lat/Lon values.
  • Audit trails may not be viewable if the enclosing document has special characters in the ID, which can occur with CXT Operations users (permissions section) and Inet Users.
    Workaround: Use the Legacy view in the Operations App to view audit trails for users that have special characters in their user ID.
  • Internet User columns do not always sort as expected in the Desktop Operations App.
    Workaround: Click on any cell besides the header or the column that is selected, then click on the column again to sort in the other order.
  • Operations Monitor – Help – View Manual results in a run-time error ’13’ type mismatch.
What's Coming Soon 👀

Stay tuned over the next few months for a number of exciting developments that we are working on! 

  • Dispatcher assistance optimization tools
  • Itinerary planning optimization tools
  • Parcel-centric tracking in the Client Portal  
We're Here to Help

If you need help with these or any of our product features, we provide real support. Real people. 24/7. Give us a call. 📞

Experiencing issues with the release? Let our Support Team know.

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