Driver 3.5.2: New Look, Same Amazing App ๐Ÿ˜Ž

CXT Software Driver App - App store view

A New Look as Strong as the App Itself

The Driver App keeps the mobile delivery world on pace with the growing demands of the logistics industry. An app that does so much should look the part too.ย 


With the latest release, drivers will experience a fresh new interface with badges and a loading sequence featuring CXT Software’s signature insignia. The app is still chalked full of all the advanced features you’ve come to expect from our solutions but is designed to complement our modern branding.


For help with this release or questions about getting started with the Driver App, check out our Driver Resources.

Driver App 3.5.2 (September 2022)

  • New permission-based feature to mark a route stop as the “Next Stop” in the route itinerary.
  • Pull-to-refresh feature allows drivers to refresh the stops list.
  • A popup display will prompt users to choose to disable battery optimization in the Android OS environment to ensure the full functionality of the app and all its features.
  • Improved functionality of the “Received at Dock” feature which updates all consolidated orders with the “Received at Dock” timestamp and ensures that those orders, if unconfirmed, are marked as confirmed in the Operations App and the Driver App accordingly.
  • Fixed an issue with master barcode scanning where incorrect master barcode and parcel scan counts could be shown in some cases where multiple stops are consolidated.
  • Fixed an issue where users could be prompted to re-enter data values if a sync started to occur prior to the data being transmitted completely.
  • Fixed an issue where parcel overage default values were not being maintained in certain workflows.

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